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From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes -- A Festschrift in Honor of Jon A. Wellner

Editor(s) M. Banerjee, F. Bunea, J. Huang, V. Koltchinskii, M. H. Maathuis

Inst. Math. Stat. (IMS) Collect., 9: 326pp. (2013). DOI: 10.1214/12-IMSCOLL9
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Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, i-ii (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, iii-iv (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, v-vi (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, vii-vii (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, viii-viii (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, ix-xiv (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, xv-xvi (2013). Open Access
Terrence Adams , Andrew Nobel
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 1-4 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Glivenko-Cantelli, Uniform laws of large numbers, Ergodic process, Cutting and stacking, 60F15, 60G10
Vladimír Balek , Ivan Mizera
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 5-19 (2013). Open Access
Bojan Basrak , Chris A. J. Klaassen
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 20-32 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Semiparametric inference, Van der Waerden, n-consistency, linkage analysis, QTL mapping, 62G05, 62G20, 62P10
Rudolf Beran
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 33-46 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: unbalanced design, quadratic risk, adaptation, multiple penalties, 62J07, 62F12, 62H12
Lucien Birgé
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 47-64 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Robust testing, Hellinger distance, model selection, Markov chains, 62G10, 62G35, 62G05
Norman E. Breslow , Thomas Lumley
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 65-77 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Asymptotic distributions, asymptotic efficiency, calibration, empirical processes, survival analysis, stratified sampling, two-phase, 60F05, 60F17, 60J65, 60J70
Lutz Dümbgen , Richard J. Samworth , Dominic Schuhmacher
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 78-90 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62G05, 62G09, 62G20, 62J05
Lutz Dümbgen , Perla Del Conte-Zerial
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 91-104 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62E20, 62G20, 62H99
Richard D. Gill , Mădălin I. Guţă
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 105-127 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum Cramér-Rao bound, van Trees inequality, local asymptotic normality, quantum local asymptotic normality, 62F12, 62P35
Evarist Giné , Hailin Sang
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 128-149 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: kernel density estimator, variable bandwidth, clipping filter, square root law, sup-norm loss, spatial adaptation, rates of convergence, 62G07
Yair Goldberg , Rui Song , Michael R. Kosorok
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 150-162 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Adaptive estimation, dynamic treatment regimes, penalized estimation, Q-learning, 62G05, 62G20, 62F12
Kyrill Grant , Tilmann Gneiting
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 163-173 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bayes rule, consistent scoring function, fractile, optimal point forecast, proper scoring rule, quantile, 62C05, 91B06
Piet Groeneboom , Geurt Jongbloed
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 174-196 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: failure rate, isotonic regression, asymptotics, penalized estimators, smoothing, spiking behavior, 62G05, 62G05, 62E20
W. J. Hall , Jon A. Wellner
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 197-212 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Asymptotically uniformly most powerful test, signed log-rank test, proportional hazards, reversed hazards, semiparametric models, information bound, 62G07, 62H12, 62G05, 62G20
Vladimir Koltchinskii
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 213-226 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: low rank matrix estimation, matrix regression, noncommutative Bernstein inequality, quantum state tomography, 62J99, 62H12, 60B20, 60G15
Willem Kruijer , Aad van der Vaart
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 227-240 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: posterior contraction, prior, Bayes, 60K35
David M. Mason , Jan W. H. Swanepoel
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 241-253 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62F15, 62G07, 62G08, Empirical processes, kernel estimation, distribution function and uniform in bandwidth
Pascal Massart , Raphaël Rossignol
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 254-265 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Efron-Stein’s inequality, high dimensional Banach space, Nemirovski’s inequality, concentration inequalities, maximal inequalities
David Pollard
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 266-275 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Fisher information, sufficiency, Hellinger differentiability of probability models, differentiability in quadratic mean, score function, Le Cam’s distance between statistical models, 60K35, 60K35, 60K35
Mathieu Rosenbaum , Alexandre B. Tsybakov
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 276-290 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Sparsity, MU selector, matrix uncertainty, errors-in-variables model, measurement error, restricted eigenvalue assumption, missing data, 62J05, 62F12
Frits Ruymgaart , Jing Wang , Shih-Hsuan Wei
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 291-302 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Functional regression, stationary regressor, asymptotic distribution, testing linear hypotheses, 60K35, 60K35, 60K35
Sara van de Geer , Johannes Lederer
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 303-316 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Compatibility, correlation, entropy, high-dimensional model, Lasso, 62J05, 62J99
Guenther Walther
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 9, 317-326 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Average likelihood ratio, sparse mixture, higher criticism, Berk–Jones statistic, log-likelihood ratio transformation, 60G30, 60G30, 60G32
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