Browse Project Euclid
Browse Project Euclid's growing database of titles, publishers, and subject categories.
Communications in Information & Systems
Topics include information and coding theory; cryptology, decision, and estimation, control theory, mathematical system theory, etc.
Communications in Mathematical Analysis
Communications in Mathematical Analysis is an international electronic research journal of rapid dissemination, devoted to the publication of high level research articles in all areas and sub-areas of mathematical analysis and their applications.
Communications in Mathematical Physics
The mission of Communications in Mathematical Physics is to offer a high forum for works which are motivated by the vision and the challenges of modern physics and which at the same time meet the highest mathematical standards.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences
Communications in Mathematical Sciences publishes high quality original research articles, review and expository papers, and fast communications on mathematical modelings, applied and stochastic analyses and numerical computations on problems that arise in physical, biological, engineering and financial applications.
Cornell University Library Historical Math Monographs
The Cornell University Library Historical Math Monographs collection comprises selected monographs with expired copyrights chosen from the mathematics field. The majority of these monographs were physically brittle, decaying, and in need of rescue. They were digitally scanned, and facsimile editions were created on acid-free paper.
Current Developments in Mathematics
The Current Developments in Mathematics (CDM) conference is an annual seminar, jointly hosted by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and devoted to surveying the most recent developments in all areas of mathematics. International Press is pleased to bring you selected lectures from each CDM conference, in our Current Developments in Mathematics book series.