We consider a class of linear Weingarten surfaces of revolution whose principal curvatures, meridional $k_{\mu}$ and parallel $k_{\pi}$, satisfy the relation $k_{\mu}=(n+1)k_{\pi}$, $n=0,\,1,\,2,\ldots\, .$ The first two members of this class of surfaces are the sphere $(n=0)$ and the Mylar balloon $(n=1)$. Elsewhere the Mylar balloon has been parameterized via the Jacobian and Weierstrassian elliptic functions and elliptic integrals. Here we derive six alternative parameterizations describing the third type of surfaces when $n=2$. The so obtained explicit formulas are applied for the derivation of the basic geometrical characteristics of this surface.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.7546/giq-19-2018-168-187