Open Access
VOL. 21 | 1992 Zeta Function, Class Number and Cyclotomic Units of Cyclotomic Function Fields
Keqin Feng

Editor(s) N. Kurokawa, T. Sunada

Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 1992: 141-152 (1992) DOI: 10.2969/aspm/02110141


Cyclotomic function fields was introduced and used by D. Hayes [15] in 1974 to construct the maximal abelian extension of rational function fields $F_q(T)$. Since then many basic properties on cyclotomic fields have been researched by S. Galovich and M. Rosen [9, 10], D. Goss [13, 14], etc. In this paper we survey several results on class number and cyclotomic units of cyclotomic function fields.


Published: 1 January 1992
First available in Project Euclid: 15 August 2018

zbMATH: 0803.11057
MathSciNet: MR1210787

Digital Object Identifier: 10.2969/aspm/02110141

Rights: Copyright © 1992 Mathematical Society of Japan


Vol. 21 • 1 January 1992
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