Open Access
June 2011 The quandle coloring invariant of a reducible handlebody-knot
Atsushi Ishii, Kengo Kishimoto
Tsukuba J. Math. 35(1): 131-141 (June 2011). DOI: 10.21099/tkbjm/1311081454


A handlebody-knot is a handlebody embedded in the 3-sphere. We provide methods to detect the irreducibility of a handlebody-knot by using the quandle coloring invariant.


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Atsushi Ishii. Kengo Kishimoto. "The quandle coloring invariant of a reducible handlebody-knot." Tsukuba J. Math. 35 (1) 131 - 141, June 2011.


Published: June 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 19 July 2011

zbMATH: 1241.57015
MathSciNet: MR2848821
Digital Object Identifier: 10.21099/tkbjm/1311081454

Primary: 57M27
Secondary: 57M15 , 57M25

Keywords: handlebody-knot , irreducibility , quandle coloring , spatial graph

Rights: Copyright © 2011 University of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics

Vol.35 • No. 1 • June 2011
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