2021 On a class of Kirchhoff-Choquard equations involving variable-order fractional $p(\cdot)$-Laplacian and without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type condition
Reshmi Biswas, Sweta Tiwari
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 58(2): 403-439 (2021). DOI: 10.12775/TMNA.2020.072


In this article, we study the existence of weak solutions and of ground state solutions using the Nehari manifold approach, and existence of infinitely many solutions using the fountain theorem and the dual fountain theorem for a class of doubly nonlocal Kirchhoff-Choquard type equations involving the variable-order fractional $p(\cdot)$-Laplacian operator. Here the nonlinearity does not satisfy the well known Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type condition.


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Reshmi Biswas. Sweta Tiwari. "On a class of Kirchhoff-Choquard equations involving variable-order fractional $p(\cdot)$-Laplacian and without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type condition." Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 58 (2) 403 - 439, 2021. https://doi.org/10.12775/TMNA.2020.072


Published: 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 17 December 2021

MathSciNet: MR4421227
zbMATH: 1484.35194
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12775/TMNA.2020.072

Keywords: Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type condition , dual Fountain theorem , Fountain Theorem , Kirchhoff-Choquard equation , Nehari manifold , Variable order fractional $p(\cdot)$-Laplacian

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Juliusz P. Schauder Centre for Nonlinear Studies

Vol.58 • No. 2 • 2021
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