Let $C_k$ (respectively, $S_k$) denote a cycle (respectively, astar) with $k$ edges. For graphs $F$, $G$ and $H$, a$(G,H)$-decomposition of $F$ is a partition of the edge set of $F$into copies of $G$ and copies of $H$ with at least one copy of $G$and at least one copy of $H$. In this paper, necessary andsufficient conditions for the existence of the$(C_k,S_k)$-decomposition of multicrowns are given.
Jenq-Jong Lin. "DECOMPOSITIONS OF MULTICROWNS INTO CYCLES AND STARS." Taiwanese J. Math. 19 (4) 1261 - 1270, 2015. https://doi.org/10.11650/tjm.19.2015.3460