In this paper, a class of $\eta$-PPM mappings $F$ where $F$ and $-F$ are both $\eta$-pseudomonotone are introduced, which are proper generalizations of the PPM mappings considered by Bianchi and Schaible. The solution sets of two kinds of vector variational-like inequality problems involving $\eta$-PPM mappings are characterized in Banach spaces. Furthermore, the solution sets of two classes of vector variational-like inequalities involving set-valued mappings are also characterized via the scalarization approach due to Konnov.
Nan-Jing Huang. Jun Li. Zhi-Bin Liu. "SOME CHARACTERIZATIONS FOR VECTOR VARIATIONAL-LIKE INEQUALITIES." Taiwanese J. Math. 13 (2A) 403 - 418, 2009. https://doi.org/10.11650/twjm/1500405345