Open Access
December 2020 α-almost Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds
Krishnendu De
Author Affiliations +
SUT J. Math. 56(2): 159-169 (December 2020). DOI: 10.55937/sut/1610320633


The current article purports to investigate α-almost Ricci solitons in the framework of Kenmotsu manifolds. Among others, we prove that an α-almost Ricci solitons on a Kenmotsu manifold is expanding. Furthermore, we take into account α-almost Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds with Codazzi type of Ricci tensor and cyclic parallel Ricci tensor. Also, Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying the curvature condition R.R=Q(S,R) is studied. Ultimately, we consider an example to prove the non-existence of proper α-almost Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds and verify some results.


The author is thankful to the referee for his/her valuable suggestions towards the improvement of the paper.


Download Citation

Krishnendu De. "α-almost Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds." SUT J. Math. 56 (2) 159 - 169, December 2020.


Received: 30 May 2020; Published: December 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 8 June 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.55937/sut/1610320633

Primary: 53C25 , 53C35

Keywords: cyclic parallel Ricci tensor , Kenmotsu manifold , Ricci generalized pseudo-symmetric manifold , α-almost Ricci soliton

Rights: Copyright © 2020 Tokyo University of Science

Vol.56 • No. 2 • December 2020
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