Open Access
May, 1991 Meeting the Needs of New Statistical Researchers
N. Altman, D. Banks, P. Chen, D. Duffy, J. Hardwick, C. Leger, A. Owen, T. Stukel
Statist. Sci. 6(2): 163-174 (May, 1991). DOI: 10.1214/ss/1177011821


In 1988, the President's Council of the IMS created the New Researcher's Committee (NRC) to determine the needs of new researchers (NRs) and means by which the IMS can help meet those needs. The NRC submitted its report to the 1991 IMS Council during the 1990 summer meetings. This paper summarizes the report and material from a guide for NRs being prepared by the NRC. The NRC soon realized that a number of factors work in concert to influence the research environment. These include the opportunities for publication and speaking at professional meetings, funding, the work environment, interactions with colleagues and the social and political climate. As well, NRs can help promote their own research careers if they are aware of the opportunities that exist. Finally, the first few working years can be greatly influenced by the degree to which the graduate program prepared the NR for all aspects of a statistical career. This report covers the role of the IMS in its peer review and publication policies and its sponsorship of professional meetings. It also discusses the role of the IMS as an advocate for NRs in the political process, including funding, policies regarding dissertation format and family policy in the workplace. Means are suggested by which NRs can help themselves, both as graduate students and early in their professional careers. The role of the IMS membership in creating a positive work environment, providing mentoring and inviting the participation of NRs in a variety of statistical activities is emphasized. The report concludes by presenting the action items submitted to the IMS Council, and the results, to date, arising from these items.


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N. Altman. D. Banks. P. Chen. D. Duffy. J. Hardwick. C. Leger. A. Owen. T. Stukel. "Meeting the Needs of New Statistical Researchers." Statist. Sci. 6 (2) 163 - 174, May, 1991.


Published: May, 1991
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2007

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/ss/1177011821

Keywords: dissertation , Grant application , meetings , mentor , publication , refereeing

Rights: Copyright © 1991 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.6 • No. 2 • May, 1991
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