November 2024 Scalable Empirical Bayes Inference and Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis
Hani Doss, Antonio Linero
Author Affiliations +
Statist. Sci. 39(4): 601-622 (November 2024). DOI: 10.1214/24-STS936


Consider a Bayesian setup in which we observe Y, whose distribution depends on a parameter θ, that is, Y|θπY|θ. The parameter θ is unknown and treated as random, and a prior distribution chosen from some parametric family {πθ(·;h),hH}, is to be placed on it. For the subjective Bayesian there is a single prior in the family which represents his or her beliefs about θ, but determination of this prior is very often extremely difficult. In the empirical Bayes approach, the latent distribution on θ is estimated from the data. This is usually done by choosing the value of the hyperparameter h that maximizes some criterion. Arguably the most common way of doing this is to let m(h) be the marginal likelihood of h, that is, m(h)=πY|θνh(θ)dθ, and choose the value of h that maximizes m(·). Unfortunately, except for a handful of textbook examples, analytic evaluation of arg maxhm(h) is not feasible. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we review the literature on estimating it and find that the most commonly used procedures are either potentially highly inaccurate or don’t scale well with the dimension of h, the dimension of θ, or both. Second, we present a method for estimating arg maxhm(h), based on Markov chain Monte Carlo, that applies very generally and scales well with dimension. Let g be a real-valued function of θ, and let I(h) be the posterior expectation of g(θ) when the prior is νh. As a byproduct of our approach, we show how to obtain point estimates and globally-valid confidence bands for the family I(h),hH. To illustrate the scope of our methodology we provide three detailed examples, having different characters.

Funding Statement

The first author was supported by NSF Grant DMS-1854476 and NIH Grant 1R01NS121099-01A1, and the second author was supported by NSF Grants DMS-1712870 and DMS-2144933.


We are grateful to the referees for helpful comments, and we especially thank the Editor, Sonia Petrone, for very constructive criticisms which led to significant improvements in the paper.


Download Citation

Hani Doss. Antonio Linero. "Scalable Empirical Bayes Inference and Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis." Statist. Sci. 39 (4) 601 - 622, November 2024.


Published: November 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 30 October 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/24-STS936

Keywords: Bayesian model selection , Donsker class , geometric ergodicity , hyperparameter selection , Markov chain Monte Carlo , regenerative simulation

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.39 • No. 4 • November 2024
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