The years 1910–1911 are auspicious years in Chinese mathematics with the births of Pao-Lu Hsu, Luo-Keng Hua and Shiing-Shen Chern. These three began the development of modern mathematics in China: Hsu in probability and statistics, Hua in number theory, and Chern in differential geometry. We here review some facts about the life of P.-L. Hsu which have been uncovered recently, and then discuss some of his contributions. We have drawn heavily on three papers in the 1979 Annals of Statistics (volume 7, pages 467–483) by T. W. Anderson, K. L. Chung and E. L. Lehmann, as well as an article by Jiang Ze-Han and Duan Xue-Fu in Hsu’s collected papers.
Dayue Chen. Ingram Olkin. "Pao-Lu Hsu (Xu, Bao-lu): The Grandparent of Probability and Statistics in China." Statist. Sci. 27 (3) 434 - 445, August 2012. https://doi.org/10.1214/12-STS387