We propose a hybrid Leslie–Gower predator-prey system with feedback control and hunting cooperation among predators on nonuniform time domain. Our proposed model commutes between a continuous-time dynamical system and discrete-time dynamical system. Using comparison theorems and some dynamic inequality on the time scale, we study the permanence results for the proposed system. Also, with the help of a suitable Lyapunov function, we establish some sufficient conditions that will ensure the global attractivity of the proposed model. Furthermore, simulation studies are provided to verify the theoretical results, as well as to further investigate the effects of feedback control strategy and hunting cooperation on the predator-prey system. These findings suggest that hunting cooperation and feedback control strategy have a substantial influence on controlling the population of a predator-prey dynamical system.
Anil Kumar. Muslim Malik. "IMPACT OF HUNTING COOPERATION AND FEEDBACK CONTROL FOR A NONLINEAR HYBRID LESLIE–GOWER PREDATOR-PREY SYSTEM ON NONUNIFORM TIME DOMAIN." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 53 (2) 485 - 515, April 2023. https://doi.org/10.1216/rmj.2023.53.485