August 2022 Bohr phenomenon for certain classes of harmonic mappings
Molla Basir Ahamed, Vasudevarao Allu
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(4): 1205-1225 (August 2022). DOI: 10.1216/rmj.2022.52.1205


Bohr phenomenon for analytic functions f, where f(z)=n=0anzn, was first introduced by Harald Bohr in 1914 and deals with finding the largest radius rf, 0<rf<1, such that the inequality n=0|an||z|n<1 holds for |z|=rrf whenever |f(z)|<1 holds in the unit disk 𝔻={z:|z|<1}. The Bohr phenomenon for harmonic functions of the form f(z)=h+, where h(z)=n=0anzn and g(z)=n=1bnzn, is to find the largest radius rf, 0<rf<1 such that


holds for |z|rf, where d(f(0),f(𝔻)) is the Euclidean distance between f(0) and the boundary of f(𝔻). We prove several improved versions of the sharp Bohr radius for the classes of harmonic and univalent functions. Further, we prove several corollaries as a consequence of the main results.


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Molla Basir Ahamed. Vasudevarao Allu. "Bohr phenomenon for certain classes of harmonic mappings." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52 (4) 1205 - 1225, August 2022.


Received: 29 May 2021; Revised: 1 October 2021; Accepted: 7 October 2021; Published: August 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 26 September 2022

MathSciNet: MR4489155
zbMATH: 1502.31001
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/rmj.2022.52.1205

Primary: 30C45 , 30C50 , 30C80

Keywords: analytic , Bohr radius , close-to-convex functions , coefficient estimate , convex , growth theorem , Harmonic functions , starlike , Univalent

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.52 • No. 4 • August 2022
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