February 2022 An improvement of Bernstein’s inequality for functions in Orlicz spaces with smooth Fourier image
Ha Huy Bang, Vu Nhat Huy
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(1): 29-42 (February 2022). DOI: 10.1216/rmj.2022.52.29


Let Φ:[0,+)[0,+] be an arbitrary Young function and K be a compact set in n having (O)-property. Then there exists a constant CK,Φ< independent of f such that


for all α+n and fK,3, where K,3={f𝒮(n):suppf^K,D(3,3,,3)f^C(n)}, fK,3=D(3,3,,3)f^, f^ is the Fourier transform of f and (Φ) is the Luxemburg norm. As an application, a new Paley–Wiener theorem is given.


Download Citation

Ha Huy Bang. Vu Nhat Huy. "An improvement of Bernstein’s inequality for functions in Orlicz spaces with smooth Fourier image." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52 (1) 29 - 42, February 2022. https://doi.org/10.1216/rmj.2022.52.29


Received: 29 January 2021; Accepted: 8 May 2021; Published: February 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2022

MathSciNet: MR4409912
zbMATH: 1507.41006
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/rmj.2022.52.29

Primary: 26D10 , 41A17 , 42B10 , 46E30

Keywords: Bernstein inequality , Fourier transform , generalized functions , inequalities in approximation , Orlicz spaces

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.52 • No. 1 • February 2022
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