August 2021 Weighted composition operators between n-th α-weighted spaces
Maofa Wang, Shuming Wang
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 51(4): 1503-1519 (August 2021). DOI: 10.1216/rmj.2021.51.1503


Let Vnα be the Banach space of holomorphic functions on the open unit disk 𝔻 in the complex plane consisting of those f such that  f Vnα:=i=0n1  f i0+supzD1|z|2α fnz<  and Vn,0α  be the closed subspace of Vnα consisting of those f for which lim|z|1(1  |z|2)α |f (n)(z)|=0, where n is any nonnegative integer and α>0. We give boundedness characterizations, norm estimates and essential norm estimates of weighted composition operators Wψ,φ : VnαVmβ and Wψ,φ : Vn,0αVm,0β, respectively, where Wψ,φ  f (z)=ψ(z) f (φ(z)). As a corollary, we characterize the compactness of Wψ,φ. Specifically, our characterizations involve not only the classical Julia–Carathéodory type condition, but also the powers φk. In addition, our results extend several well-known results in the literature.


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Maofa Wang. Shuming Wang. "Weighted composition operators between n-th α-weighted spaces." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 51 (4) 1503 - 1519, August 2021.


Received: 4 December 2019; Accepted: 16 December 2020; Published: August 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 5 August 2021

MathSciNet: MR4298862
zbMATH: 07393851
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/rmj.2021.51.1503

Primary: 47B33
Secondary: 30H30 , ‎46E15 , 47B38

Keywords: Bloch-type space , essential norm , iterated weighted-type space , Weighted composition operator , Zygmund-type space

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.51 • No. 4 • August 2021
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