2021 A girsanov result for the pettis integral
Domenico Candeloro, Anna Rita Sambucini, Luca Trastulli
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Real Anal. Exchange 46(1): 175-190 (2021). DOI: 10.14321/realanalexch.46.1.0175


A kind of Pettis integral representation for a Banach valued Itô process is given and its drift term is modified using a Girsanov Theorem.


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Domenico Candeloro. Anna Rita Sambucini. Luca Trastulli. "A girsanov result for the pettis integral." Real Anal. Exchange 46 (1) 175 - 190, 2021. https://doi.org/10.14321/realanalexch.46.1.0175


Published: 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 14 October 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.14321/realanalexch.46.1.0175

Primary: 28B05 , 28B20
Secondary: 26E25 , 46B20 , ‎54C60‎

Keywords: Girsanov theorem , martingale , Pettis multivalued integral

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Michigan State University Press

Vol.46 • No. 1 • 2021
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