If $A$ is a ${\bf \Sigma}^{0}_{\xi}$ set and $A_{n}$ $(n \omega)$ are Borel sets then we call $\{A_{n} \colon n \omega\}$ a presentation of $A$ if $A = \bigcup_{n \omega}A_{n}$ and $A_{n}$ $(n \omega)$ have lower Borel class than $A$ has. We show that for $2 \leq \xi \omega_{1}$ it is not possible to assign a presentation to ${\bf \Sigma}^{0}_{\xi}$ sets in a monotone way; i.e., it is not possible to define functions $f_{n} \colon {\bf \Sigma}^{0}_{\xi} \rightarrow {\bf \Pi}^{0}_{\xi}$ $(n \omega)$ such that for every $A \in {\bf \Sigma}^{0}_{\xi}$ we have $A = \bigcup_{n \omega}f_{n}(A)$ and $A, A' \in {\bf \Sigma}^{0}_{\xi}$, $A \subseteq A'$ implies $f_{n}(A) \subseteq f_{n}(A')$ $(n \omega)$. This answers a question of M\'arton Elekes in the negative. We also show the nonexistence of monotone presentation for Borel functions.
Tamás Mátrai. Miroslav Zelený. "On Monotone Presentations of Borel Sets." Real Anal. Exchange 34 (2) 311 - 318, 2008/2009.