2022 Stallings automata for free-times-abelian groups: intersections and index
Jordi Delgado, Enric Ventura
Author Affiliations +
Publ. Mat. 66(2): 789-830 (2022). DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT6622209


We extend the classical Stallings theory (describing subgroups of free groups as automata) to direct products of free and abelian groups: after introducing enriched automata (i.e., automata with extra abelian labels), we obtain an explicit bijection between subgroups and a certain type of such enriched automata, which—as it happens in the free group—is computable in the finitely generated case.

This approach provides a neat geometric description of (even non-(finitely generated)) intersections of finitely generated subgroups within this non-Howson family. In particular, we give a geometric solution to the subgroup intersection problem and the finite index problem, providing recursive bases and transversals, respectively.

Funding Statement

The first author was partially supported by CMUP (UID/MAT/00144/2019), which is funded by FCT (Portugal) with national (MCTES) and European structural funds through the FEDER programs, under the partnership agreement PT2020. Parts of this project were developed during the participation of the first author in the “Logic and Algorithms in Group Theory” meeting held in the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (Bonn) in fall 2018. He was also partially supported by MINECO grant PID2019-107444GA-I00 and the Basque Government grant IT974-16.
Both authors acknowledge partial support from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, through grant MTM2017-82740-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and also from the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics through the “María de Maeztu” Program for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0445).


Download Citation

Jordi Delgado. Enric Ventura. "Stallings automata for free-times-abelian groups: intersections and index." Publ. Mat. 66 (2) 789 - 830, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5565/PUBLMAT6622209


Received: 22 October 2020; Accepted: 9 September 2020; Published: 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 22 June 2022

MathSciNet: MR4443754
zbMATH: 07556782
Digital Object Identifier: 10.5565/PUBLMAT6622209

Primary: 20E05 , 20E22 , 20F05 , 20F10

Keywords: Automata , direct product , free group , free-abelian group , intersection , Stallings , subgroup

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Matemàtiques

Vol.66 • No. 2 • 2022
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