In 1906, Maillet proved that given a non-constant rational function $f$, with rational coefficients, if $\xi$ is a Liouville number, then so is $f(\xi)$. Motivated by this fact, in 1984, Mahler raised the question about the existence of transcendental entire functions with this property. In this work, we define an uncountable subset of Liouville numbers for which there exists a transcendental entire function taking this set into the set of the Liouville numbers.
Jean Lelis. Diego Marques. Josimar Ramirez. "A note on transcendental entire functions mapping uncountable many Liouville numbers into the set of Liouville numbers." Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 93 (9) 111 - 114, November 2017. https://doi.org/10.3792/pjaa.93.111