We develop a framework for regularly varying measures on complete separable metric spaces $\mathbb{S}$ with a closed cone $\mathbb{C}$ removed, extending material in [15,24]. Our framework provides a flexible way to consider hidden regular variation and allows simultaneous regular-variation properties to exist at different scales and provides potential for more accurate estimation of probabilities of risk regions. We apply our framework to iid random variables in $\mathbb{R}_{+}^{\infty}$ with marginal distributions having regularly varying tails and to càdlàg Lévy processes whose Lévy measures have regularly varying tails. In both cases, an infinite number of regular-variation properties coexist distinguished by different scaling functions and state spaces.
Filip Lindskog. Sidney I. Resnick. Joyjit Roy. "Regularly varying measures on metric spaces: Hidden regular variation and hidden jumps." Probab. Surveys 11 270 - 314, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1214/14-PS231