Open Access
April 2024 On powers of cover ideals of graphs
Dancheng Lu, Zexin Wang
Author Affiliations +
Osaka J. Math. 61(2): 247-259 (April 2024).


For a simple graph $G$, assume that $J(G)$ is the vertex cover ideal of $G$ and $J(G)^{(s)}$ is the $s$-th symbolic power of $J(G)$. We prove that $\operatorname{reg}(J(C)^{(s)})=\operatorname{reg}(J(C)^s)$ for all $s\geq 1$ and for all odd cycle $C$. For a simplicial complex $\Delta$, we show that if $I_{\Delta}^{\vee}$ is weakly polymatroidal (not necessarily generated in one degree) then $\Delta$ is vertex decomposable. Some evidences are provided that the converse conclusion of the above result also holds true if $\Delta$ is pure. Let $W=G^{\pi}$ be a fully clique-whiskering graph. We prove that $J(W)^s$ is weakly polymatroidal for all $s\geq 1$.


This research is supported by NSFC (No. 11971338). We would like to express our sincere thanks to the referee, who reads the paper carefully and helps us kill many minor errors of the original paper.


Download Citation

Dancheng Lu. Zexin Wang. "On powers of cover ideals of graphs." Osaka J. Math. 61 (2) 247 - 259, April 2024.


Received: 4 January 2023; Revised: 2 March 2023; Published: April 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 7 April 2024

MathSciNet: MR4729043

Primary: 13C70 , 13D45
Secondary: 05E40

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Osaka University and Osaka Metropolitan University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.61 • No. 2 • April 2024
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