May 2021 Reflexive-Insensitive Logics, the Boxdot Translation, and the Modal Logic of Generic Absoluteness
David R. Gilbert, Giorgio Venturi
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Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 62(2): 269-283 (May 2021). DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2021-0014


In this paper we analyze the connection between reflexive-insensitive modal logics, logics of provability, and the modal logic of forcing. Because of the inter-definability of the ∘-operator that characterizes the reflexive-insensitive logics and Boolos’s ⊡-operator, characterization results for the reflexive-insensitive logics can be used to give a partial solution of the boxdot conjecture, and to illuminate some closely related problems. In turn, this will facilitate the application of reflexive-insensitive logics to the study of the modal logic of forcing and truth and the logic of forcing persistent sentences. We then show that the modal logic of forcing, the modal logic of forcing and truth, and the modal logic of forcing persistency give rise to the same characterizability results. We conclude by arguing that the modal logic of forcing should be better understood as the modal logic of generic absoluteness.


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David R. Gilbert. Giorgio Venturi. "Reflexive-Insensitive Logics, the Boxdot Translation, and the Modal Logic of Generic Absoluteness." Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 62 (2) 269 - 283, May 2021.


Received: 15 December 2017; Accepted: 4 November 2020; Published: May 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 9 June 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00294527-2021-0014

Primary: 03B45
Secondary: 03E57 , 03F45

Keywords: Blok–Esakia theorem , boxdot translation , modal logic of forcing

Rights: Copyright © 2021 University of Notre Dame


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Vol.62 • No. 2 • May 2021
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