This paper, a contribution to “micro set theory”, is the study promised by the first author in [M4], as improved and extended by work of the second. We use the rudimentarily recursive (set-theoretic) functions and the slightly larger collection of gentle functions to initiate the study of provident sets, which are transitive models of , a subsystem of whose minimal model is Jensen’s . supports familiar definitions, such as rank, transitive closure and ordinal addition—though not ordinal multiplication—and (shown in [M8]) Shoenfield’s unramified forcing. Providence is preserved under directed unions. An arbitrary set has a provident closure, and (shown in [M8]) the extension of a provident by a set-generic is the provident closure of . The improvidence of many models of is shown. The final section uses similar but simpler recursions to show, in the weak system , that the truth predicate for formulæ is .
A. R. D. Mathias. N. J. Bowler. "Rudimentary Recursion, Gentle Functions and Provident Sets." Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 56 (1) 3 - 60, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1215/00294527-2835101