We formulate a Beilinson–Bernstein-type derived equivalence for a quantized enveloping algebra at a root of 1 as a conjecture. It says that there exists a derived equivalence between the category of modules over a quantized enveloping algebra at a root of 1 with fixed regular Harish-Chandra central character and the category of certain twisted -modules on the corresponding quantized flag manifold. We show that the proof is reduced to a statement about the (derived) global sections of the ring of differential operators on the quantized flag manifold. We also give a reformulation of the conjecture in terms of the (derived) induction functor.
Toshiyuki Tanisaki. "Differential operators on quantized flag manifolds at roots of unity, II." Nagoya Math. J. 214 1 - 52, June 2014. https://doi.org/10.1215/00277630-2402198