May 2024 R-Prime Submodules
Zinah M K AL-Shuhaib, Mohammed Baqer Hashim AL-Hakeem
Missouri J. Math. Sci. 36(1): 64-67 (May 2024). DOI: 10.35834/2024/3601064


Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity and $K$ be a submodule of a non-zero left $R$-module $D$. This paper introduces a new concept as a generalization of the prime submodule, which is called $R$-prime. We prove some properties of the $R$-prime submodule and study the relationship between the $R$-prime submodules and other submodules as prime and $J$-semiprime. Also, we will see the $R$-prime submodule with the multiplication module and the injective envelope.


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Zinah M K AL-Shuhaib. Mohammed Baqer Hashim AL-Hakeem. "R-Prime Submodules." Missouri J. Math. Sci. 36 (1) 64 - 67, May 2024.


Published: May 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 29 May 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.35834/2024/3601064

Primary: 16D10 , 16D70

Keywords: J-Semiprime submodule , prime ideal , Prime submodule , Regular and multiplication , Semiprime

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Central Missouri State University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Vol.36 • No. 1 • May 2024
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