May 2023 On the Rainbow Numbers of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ for $x_1 + x_2 = 4x_3$
Houssein El Turkey, Nathan Waskiewicz
Missouri J. Math. Sci. 35(1): 117-122 (May 2023). DOI: 10.35834/2023/3501117


An exact $r$-coloring of a set $S$ is a surjective function $c:S\to \{1,2,\cdots, r\}$. Given an equation $eq$, a solution in $S$ is a rainbow solution if each element is colored distinctly by the coloring $c$. The rainbow number of a set $S$ for equation $eq$ is the smallest integer $r$ such that every exact $r$-coloring of $S$ contains a rainbow solution to $eq$. The rainbow numbers of $\mathbb{Z}_p$, for prime $p$, for the equation $x_1 + x_2 = 4x_3$ are known to be either $3$ or $4$. This paper investigates which primes yield rainbow number $3$ or $4$. Additionally, the rainbow numbers of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ for this equation are discussed.

Funding Statement

The first author's contribution is supported by a University Research Scholar fellowship from his institution.


This work was inspired by the first author's attendance to the 2018 Research Experiences for Undergraduate Faculty Workshop (REUF) hosted at the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) in San Jose, CA. The authors are very thankful for Dr. Ryan Tully-Doyle for his help with a SAGE code and Dr. Salam Turki for her help with Theorem 2.4.


Download Citation

Houssein El Turkey. Nathan Waskiewicz. "On the Rainbow Numbers of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ for $x_1 + x_2 = 4x_3$." Missouri J. Math. Sci. 35 (1) 117 - 122, May 2023.


Published: May 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 7 June 2023

MathSciNet: MR4598392
zbMATH: 1517.05173
Digital Object Identifier: 10.35834/2023/3501117

Primary: 05B10

Keywords: anti-Ramsey theory , rainbow coloring , rainbow number

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Central Missouri State University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Vol.35 • No. 1 • May 2023
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