We introduce the concepts of eKU/sKU/eUP/sUP-algebras as generalizations of the concepts of KU/UP-algebras, investigate some related properties of these new extensions of algebras, and show that the axioms of these new extensions are independent. We also introduce the concepts of eKU/sKU/eUP/sUP-subalgebras and eKU/sKU/eUP/sUP-filters of eKU/sKU/eUP/sUP-algebras, respectively, and describe the relationship between them. Moreover, we find the KU/UP-algebras induced by some congruence relations on eKU/eUP-algebras.
Akarachai Satirad. Ronnason Chinram. Aiyared Iampan. "Four New Concepts of Extensions of KU/UP-Algebras." Missouri J. Math. Sci. 32 (2) 138 - 157, November 2020. https://doi.org/10.35834/2020/3202138