In this paper, we compute the Artin part of a relative cohomological motive, introduced by Ayoub and Zucker, as a “weight zero part” in two challenging contexts. For this, we first introduce, in a very natural way, the part of punctual weight of any complex of mixed Hodge modules and verify that the Hodge realization of the Artin part of smooth cohomological motives coincide with the part of punctual weight of its realization. Second, we compute the Artin part of the motivic nearby sheaf, introduced by Ayoub, and relate it to the Betti cohomology of Berkovich spaces defined by tubes in non-Archimedean geometry. In particular, the former result provides a motivic interpretation of the Betti cohomology of the analytic Milnor fiber (seen as a Berkovich space).
Florian Ivorra. Julien Sebag. "Artin Motives, Weights, and Motivic Nearby Sheaves." Michigan Math. J. 68 (2) 337 - 376, June 2019. https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1551258026