2024 Roots of Outer Automorphisms of Free Groups and Centralizers of Abelian Subgroups of Out(FN)
Yassine Guerch
Michigan Math. J. Advance Publication 1-18 (2024). DOI: 10.1307/mmj/20226327


Let N2 and let Out(FN) be the outer automorphism group of a non-abelian free group of rank N. Let IAN(Z/3Z) be the finite index subgroup of Out(FN), which is the kernel of the natural action of Out(FN) on H1(FN,Z/3Z). We show that IAN(Z/3Z) is an R-group, that is, for every ϕ,ψIAN(Z/3Z), if there exists k1 such that ϕk=ψk, then ϕ=ψ. This answers a question of Handel and Mosher. We then use the fact that IAN(Z/3Z) is an R-group in order to prove that the normalizer in IAN(Z/3Z) of every abelian subgroup of IAN(Z/3Z) is equal to its centralizer. We finally give an alternative proof of a result, due to Feighn and Handel, that the centralizer of an element of Out(FN), which has only finitely many periodic orbits of conjugacy classes of maximal cyclic subgroups of FN, is virtually abelian.


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Yassine Guerch. "Roots of Outer Automorphisms of Free Groups and Centralizers of Abelian Subgroups of Out(FN)." Michigan Math. J. Advance Publication 1 - 18, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/20226327


Received: 16 January 2022; Revised: 1 June 2023; Published: 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 27 June 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1307/mmj/20226327

Keywords: 20E05 , 20E08 , 20E36 , 20F65

Rights: Copyright © 2024 The University of Michigan


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