August 2024 Stable vector bundles on a hyper-Kähler manifold with a rank 1 obstruction map are modular
Eyal Markman
Author Affiliations +
Kyoto J. Math. 64(3): 635-742 (August 2024). DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2024-0002


Let X be an irreducible 2n-dimensional holomorphic symplectic manifold. A reflexive sheaf F is very modular if its Azumaya algebra End(F) deforms with X to every Kähler deformation of X. We show that if F is a slope-stable reflexive sheaf of positive rank and the obstruction map HH2(X)Ext2(F,F) has rank 1, then F is very modular. We associate to such a sheaf a vector in the Looijenga–Lunts–Verbitsky lattice of rank b2(X)+2. Three sources of examples of such modular sheaves emerge. The first source consists of slope-stable reflexive sheaves F of positive rank that are isomorphic to the image Φ(OX) of the structure sheaf via an equivalence Φ:Db(X)Db(Y) of the derived categories of two irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds. The second source consists of such F, which are isomorphic to the image of a skyscraper sheaf via a derived equivalence. The third source consists of images Φ(L) of torsion sheaves L supported as line bundles on holomorphic lagrangian submanifolds Z such that Z deforms with X in codimension 1 in moduli, and L is a rational power of the canonical line bundle of Z.

An example of the first source is constructed using a stable and rigid vector bundle G on a K3 surface X to get the very modular vector bundle F on the Hilbert scheme X[n] associated to the equivariant vector bundle GG on Xn via the Bridgeland–King–Reid (BKR) correspondence. This builds upon and partially generalizes results of O’Grady for n=2. A construction of the second source associates to a set {Gi}i=1n of n distinct stable vector bundles in the same two-dimensional moduli space of vector bundles on a K3 surface X the very modular vector bundle F on X[n] corresponding to the equivariant bundle σSn[Gσ(1)Gσ(n)] on Xn.


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Eyal Markman. "Stable vector bundles on a hyper-Kähler manifold with a rank 1 obstruction map are modular." Kyoto J. Math. 64 (3) 635 - 742, August 2024.


Received: 12 October 2021; Revised: 25 October 2022; Accepted: 13 December 2022; Published: August 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 3 July 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/21562261-2024-0002

Primary: 14C25
Secondary: 14D15 , 14D20

Keywords: derived categories , hyperholomorphic sheaves , hyperkähler varieties , K3 surfaces

Rights: Copyright © 2024 by Kyoto University


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Vol.64 • No. 3 • August 2024
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