Advance Publication | 2024
The advance publication content published here for the Kyoto Journal of Mathematics is in its final form; it has been reviewed, corrected, edited, typeset, and assigned a permanent digital object identifier (DOI). The article's pagination will be updated when the article is assigned to a volume and issue.

Advance publication content can be cited using the date of online publication and the DOI.
Etienne Mann, Thomas Reichelt
Kyoto J. Math. Advance Publication, 1-69, (2024) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2024-0015
KEYWORDS: hypergeometric D-module, quantum cohomology, Frobenius manifold, mirror symmetry, tt∗-geometry, 14J33, 14M25, 32S40, 32G34, 53D45
Javier Sánchez González
Kyoto J. Math. Advance Publication, 1-25, (2024) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2024-0017
KEYWORDS: poset, lax colimit, descent, schematic space, Seifert–van Kampen, 14A15, 18A99, 14F20, 06A11
Meng Fai Lim
Kyoto J. Math. Advance Publication, 1-33, (2024) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2024-0016
KEYWORDS: étale wild kernels, fine Selmer groups, p-adic Lie extensions, Greenberg’s conjecture, 11G05, 11R23, 11S25
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