June 2021 Non-Einstein relative Yamabe metrics
Shota Hamanaka
Author Affiliations +
Kodai Math. J. 44(2): 265-272 (June 2021). DOI: 10.2996/kmj44202


In this paper, we give a sufficient condition for a positive constant scalar curvature metric on a manifold with boundary to be a relative Yamabe metric, which is a natural relative version of the classical Yamabe metric. We also give examples of non-Einstein relative Yamabe metrics with positive scalar curvature.

Funding Statement

Supported in doctoral program in Chuo University, 2020.


I would like to thank my supervisor Kazuo Akutagawa for suggesting the initial direction for this study, his good advice and support. I would also like to thank the referees for pointing out the mistakes in the first draft of this paper.


Download Citation

Shota Hamanaka. "Non-Einstein relative Yamabe metrics." Kodai Math. J. 44 (2) 265 - 272, June 2021. https://doi.org/10.2996/kmj44202


Received: 23 September 2020; Revised: 2 November 2020; Published: June 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 29 June 2021

MathSciNet: MR4280136
zbMATH: 1476.53057
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2996/kmj44202

Primary: 53C18
Secondary: 57R57 , 58E30

Keywords: constant scalar curvature metrics , relative Yamabe metrics

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics

Vol.44 • No. 2 • June 2021
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