Open Access
January, 2012 Pseudo-Riemannian metrics on closed surfaces whose geodesic flows admit nontrivial integrals quadratic in momenta, and proof of the projective Obata conjecture for two-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian metrics
Vladimir S. MATVEEV
J. Math. Soc. Japan 64(1): 107-152 (January, 2012). DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/06410107


We describe all pseudo-Riemannian metrics on closed surfaces whose geodesic flows admit nontrivial integrals quadratic in momenta. As an application, we solve the Beltrami problem on closed surfaces, prove the nonexistence of quadratically-superintegrable metrics of nonconstant curvature on closed surfaces, and prove the two-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian version of the projective Obata conjecture.


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Vladimir S. MATVEEV. "Pseudo-Riemannian metrics on closed surfaces whose geodesic flows admit nontrivial integrals quadratic in momenta, and proof of the projective Obata conjecture for two-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian metrics." J. Math. Soc. Japan 64 (1) 107 - 152, January, 2012.


Published: January, 2012
First available in Project Euclid: 26 January 2012

zbMATH: 1251.37058
MathSciNet: MR2879738
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2969/jmsj/06410107

Primary: 37J35
Secondary: 53A45 , 53B20 , 53B30 , 53B50 , 53C22 , 53D25 , 58B20 , 70E40 , 70H06

Keywords: Beltrami problem , geodesic flows , geodesically equivalent metrics , Killing tensor , Killing vector field , Lie problem , Liouville metrics , projective Obata conjecture , Projective transformations , pseudo-Riemannian metrics , quadratic integrals , separation of variables , superintegrability

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Mathematical Society of Japan

Vol.64 • No. 1 • January, 2012
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