In her PhD thesis, Milin developed a $Z_k$-equivariant version of the contact homology groups constructed in Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability vs squeezing, "Geom. Topol." 10 (2006), 1635–1747 and used it to prove a $Z_k$-equivariant contact non-squeezing theorem. In this article, we re-obtain the same result in the setting of generating functions, starting from the homology groups studied in Contact homology, capacity and non-squeezing in $R^2n × S^1$ via generating functions, "Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)" 61 (2011), 145–185. As Milin showed, this result implies orderability of lens spaces.
Sheila Sandon. "Equivariant homology for generating functions and orderability of lens spaces." J. Symplectic Geom. 9 (2) 123 - 146, June 2011.