For a stationary set S⊆ ω1 and a ladder system C over S, a new type of gaps called C-Hausdorff is introduced and investigated. We describe a forcing model of ZFC in which, for some stationary set S, for every ladder C over S, every gap contains a subgap that is C-Hausdorff. But for every ladder E over ω1∖ S there exists a gap with no subgap that is E-Hausdorff.
A new type of chain condition, called polarized chain condition, is introduced. We prove that the iteration with finite support of polarized c.c.c. posets is again a polarized c.c.c. poset.
Uri Abraham. Saharon Shelah. "Ladder gaps over stationary sets." J. Symbolic Logic 69 (2) 518 - 532, June 2004. https://doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1082418541