Clark Alexander
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-12, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P101201 Open Access
KEYWORDS: dynamical systems, ergodic theory, Hamiltonian systems, Lie algebras, Infinite-dimensional systems, symmetries, Lie-group, quantum theory, Schroedinger equation, Klein-Gordon equation, 37K30, 70G65, 81Q05
Wang-Chang Su
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-12, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110502 Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum theory, supersymmetry, Special quantum systems, 81Q60, 81Q80
R. P. Malik
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-11, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110503 Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum theory, Quantum field theory, Simulation and numerical modeling, Yang-Mills gauge theory, Global analysis, Analysis on manifolds, Partial differential equations on manifolds, Invariance and symmetry properties, 81T80, 81T13, 58J70
Danilo Babusci, Giuseppe Dattoli, Elio Sabia
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-17, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110601 Open Access
KEYWORDS: ordinary differential equations, General theory, Analytical theory, integral transforms, Classical operational calculus, Optics, Motion of charged particles, 34A25, 44A45, 78A35
Ilwoo Cho
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-18, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110301 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Combinatorics For finite fields, graph theory, Flows in graphs, Graphs and abstract algebra, Associative rings and algebras, Hopf algebras, quantum groups, Ring-theoretic aspects of quantum groups, topological groups, Topological groupoids, functional analysis, operator theory, Operator algebras with symbol structure, quantum theory, Non-selfadjoint operator theory, 05C21, 05C25, 16T20, 22A22, 46N50, 47L15, 47L75, 47L90, 81Q12
Fabien Buisseret, Claude Semay, Bernard Silvestre-Brac
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-8, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P111101 Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum theory, Closed and approximate solutions to the Schrödinger equation, Closed and approximate solutions to the Dirac equation, Closed and approximate solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation, 81Q05
Leonardo Castellani
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-7, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110504 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Differential geometry, Relativity and gravitational theory, cosmology, 53Z05, 83F05
Leonardo Castellani
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-4, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110505 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Differential geometry, Relativity and gravitational theory, cosmology, 53Z05, 83F50
Paulo A. Faria da Veiga, Petrus H. R. dos Anjos
J. Phys. Math. 3, 1-12, (March 2011) DOI: 10.4303/jpm/P110901 Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum theory, Quantum field theory, 81Qxx, 81Txx, 81Vxx
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