We consider a thermoelastic laminated beam system with thermal dissipation governed by the Gurtin–Pipkin law. The exponential stability problem of this system has been addressed by Djellali (2023) and Liu and Zhao (2021), who showed that the exponential stability of the system depends on complicated stability numbers involving the system wave propagation speeds and several other physical parameters of the system. We improve the existing results in the literature by showing that the exponential decay of the energy associated with the system depends solely on the ratio between the system speeds.
Djellali Fayssal. Victor R. Cabanillas Zannini. Adel M. Al-Mahdi. "EXPONENTIAL STABILIZATION OF LAMINATED BEAMS WITH GURTIN–PIPKIN THERMAL LAW THE CASE OF EQUAL SPEEDS." J. Integral Equations Applications 36 (2) 183 - 202, Summer 2024. https://doi.org/10.1216/jie.2024.36.183