Spring 2021 Local existence and global nonexistence of a solution for a Love equation with infinite memory
Khaled Zennir, Tosiya Miyasita, Perikles Papadopoulos
J. Integral Equations Applications 33(1): 117-136 (Spring 2021). DOI: 10.1216/jie.2021.33.117


In this paper, we consider an initial boundary value problem for a nonlinear Love equation with infinite memory. By combining the linearization method, the Faedo–Galerkin method and the weak compactness method, we prove the local existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. The finite time blow-up of the weak solution is considered.


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Khaled Zennir. Tosiya Miyasita. Perikles Papadopoulos. "Local existence and global nonexistence of a solution for a Love equation with infinite memory." J. Integral Equations Applications 33 (1) 117 - 136, Spring 2021. https://doi.org/10.1216/jie.2021.33.117


Received: 7 May 2019; Revised: 23 January 2020; Accepted: 24 June 2020; Published: Spring 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 11 June 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/jie.2021.33.117

Primary: 35L20 , 35L70 , 37B25 , 93D15

Keywords: Blow-up , infinite memory , local existence , nonlinear Love equation

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.33 • No. 1 • Spring 2021
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