For a smooth projective toric surface we determine the Donaldson invariants and their wallcrossing in terms of the Nekrasov partition function. Using the solution of the Nekrasov conjecture [33, 38, 3] and its refinement [34], we apply this result to give a generating function for the wallcrossing of Donaldson invariants of good walls of simply connected projective surfaces with $b_+ = 1$ in terms of modular forms. This formula was proved earlier in [19] more generally for simply connected 4-manifolds with $b_+ = 1$, as-suming the Kotschick-Morgan conjecture, and it was also derived by physical arguments in [31].
Lothar Göttsche. Hiraku Nakajima. Kōta Yoshioka. "Instanton counting and Donaldson invariants." J. Differential Geom. 80 (3) 343 - 390, November 2008. https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1226090481