We consider the curve shortening flow applied to a class of figure-eight curves: those with dihedral symmetry, convex lobes, and a monotonicity assumption on the curvature. We prove that when (non-conformal) linear transformations are applied to the solution so as to keep the bounding box the unit square, the renormalized limit converges to a quadrilateral $\bowtie$ which we call a bowtie. Along the way we prove that suitably chosen arcs of our evolving curves, when suitably rescaled, converge to the Grim Reaper Soliton under the flow. Our Grim Reaper Theorem is an analogue of a theorem of S. Angenent in $\href{https://dx.doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1214446558}{[2]}$, which is proven in the locally convex case.
Funding Statement
The first-named author was supported by an N.S.F. Graduate Research Fellowship.
The second-named author was supported by an N.S.F. Research Grant (DMS-1807320).
Matei P. Coiculescu. Richard Evan Schwartz. "The affine shape of a figure 8 under the curve shortening flow." J. Differential Geom. 127 (3) 945 - 968, July 2024. https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1721071494