$\def\Vol{\operatorname{Vol}}$ Given a pair of metric tensors $g_1 \geq g_0$ on a Riemannian manifold, $M$, it is well known that $\Vol_1(M) \geq \Vol_0 (M)$. Furthermore one has rigidity: the volumes are equal if and only if the metric tensors are the same $g_1 = g_0$. Here we prove that if $g_j \geq g_0$ and $\Vol_j (M) \to \Vol_0 (M)$ then $(M, g_j)$ converge to $(M, g_0)$ in the volume preserving intrinsic at sense. Well known examples demonstrate that one need not obtain smooth, $C^0$, Lipschitz, or even Gromov–Hausdor convergence in this setting. Our theorem may also be applied as a tool towards proving other open conjectures concerning the geometric stability of a variety of rigidity theorems in Riemannian geometry. To complete our proof, we provide a novel way of estimating the intrinsic at distance between Riemannian manifolds which is interesting in its own right.
C. Sormani was partially supported by NSF DMS 1006059. Some ideas towards this work arose at the IAS Emerging Topics on Scalar Curvature and Convergence that C. Sormani co-organized with M. Gromov in 2018.
Brian Allen. Raquel Perales. Christina Sormani. "Volume above distance below." J. Differential Geom. 126 (3) 837 - 874, March 2024. https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1717348866