We show that on a Kähler manifold whether the $J$-flow converges or not is independent of the chosen background metric in its Kähler class. On toric manifolds we give a numerical characterization of when the $J$-flow converges, verifying a conjecture in [19] (M. Lejmi and G. Székelyhidi, “The $J$-flow and stability”) in this case. We also strengthen existing results on more general inverse $\sigma_k$ equations on Kähler manifolds.
Tristan C. Collins. Gábor Székelyhidi. "Convergence of the $J$-flow on toric manifolds." J. Differential Geom. 107 (1) 47 - 81, September 2017. https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1505268029