We establish the global analogues of some dualities and equivalences in local algebra by developing the theory of relative Cohen–Macaulay modules. Let be a commutative Noetherian ring (not necessarily local) with identity, and let be a proper ideal of . The notions of -relative dualizing modules and -relative big Cohen–Macaulay modules are introduced. With the help of -relative dualizing modules, we establish the global analogue of duality on the subcategory of Cohen–Macaulay modules in local algebra. Lastly, we investigate the behavior of the subcategory of -relative Cohen–Macaulay modules and -relative generalized Cohen–Macaulay modules under Foxby equivalence.
Parisa Pourghobadian. Kamran Divaani-Aazar. Ahad Rahimi. "DUALITIES AND EQUIVALENCES OF THE CATEGORY OF RELATIVE COHEN–MACAULAY MODULES." J. Commut. Algebra 16 (1) 95 - 113, Spring 2024. https://doi.org/10.1216/jca.2024.16.95