Lily Silverstein, Dane Wilburne, Jay Yang
J. Commut. Algebra 15(1): 99-114 (Spring 2023). DOI: 10.1216/jca.2023.15.99


One of the fundamental invariants connecting algebra and geometry is the degree of an ideal. In this paper we derive the probabilistic behavior of degree with respect to the versatile Erdős–Rényi-type model for random monomial ideals. We study the staircase structure associated to a monomial ideal, and show that in the random case the shape of the staircase diagram is approximately hyperbolic, and this behavior is robust across several random models. Since the discrete volume under this staircase is related to the summatory higher-order divisor function studied in number theory, we use this connection and our control over the shape of the staircase diagram to derive the asymptotic degree of a random monomial ideal. Another way to compute the degree of a monomial ideal is with a standard pair decomposition. This paper derives bounds on the number of standard pairs of a random monomial ideal indexed by any subset of the ring variables. The standard pairs indexed by maximal subsets give a count of degree, as well as being a more nuanced invariant of the random monomial ideal.


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Lily Silverstein. Dane Wilburne. Jay Yang. "ASYMPTOTIC DEGREE OF RANDOM MONOMIAL IDEALS." J. Commut. Algebra 15 (1) 99 - 114, Spring 2023. https://doi.org/10.1216/jca.2023.15.99


Received: 20 December 2020; Revised: 20 October 2021; Accepted: 14 November 2021; Published: Spring 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 20 June 2023

MathSciNet: MR4604789
zbMATH: 07725178
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/jca.2023.15.99

Primary: 05E40 , 13C13 , 13F55 , 60C05

Keywords: degree , probabilistic combinatorics , random commutative algebra , random monomial ideals

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.15 • No. 1 • Spring 2023
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