Summer 2020 Support and rank varieties of totally acyclic complexes
Nathan T. Steele
J. Commut. Algebra 12(2): 293-308 (Summer 2020). DOI: 10.1216/jca.2020.12.293


Support and rank varieties of modules over a group algebra of an elementary abelian p -group have been well studied. In particular, Avrunin and Scott showed that in this setting, the rank and support varieties are equivalent. Avramov and Buchweitz proved an analogous result for pairs of modules over arbitrary commutative local complete intersection rings. In this paper we study support and rank varieties in the triangulated category of totally acyclic chain complexes over a complete intersection ring and show that these varieties are also equivalent.


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Nathan T. Steele. "Support and rank varieties of totally acyclic complexes." J. Commut. Algebra 12 (2) 293 - 308, Summer 2020.


Received: 12 April 2016; Revised: 1 August 2017; Accepted: 6 August 2017; Published: Summer 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 2 June 2020

zbMATH: 07211339
MathSciNet: MR4105548
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/jca.2020.12.293

Primary: 13C14 , 13D02 , 13H10

Keywords: adjoint functors , complete intersection ring , rank variety , Support variety , totally acyclic complex

Rights: Copyright © 2020 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.12 • No. 2 • Summer 2020
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