The problem of inferring the distribution of a random vector given that its norm is large requires modeling a homogeneous limiting density. We suggest an approach based on graphical models which is suitable for high-dimensional vectors. We introduce the notion of one-component regular variation to describe a function that is regularly varying in its first component. We extend the representation and Karamata's theorem to one-component regularly varying functions, probability distributions and densities, and explain why these results are fundamental in multivariate extreme-value theory. We then generalize the Hammersley–Clifford theorem to relate asymptotic conditional independence to a factorization of the limiting density, and use it to model multivariate tails.
Adrien Hitz. Robin Evans. "One-component regular variation and graphical modeling of extremes." J. Appl. Probab. 53 (3) 733 - 746, September 2016.