We study a family of Markov processes on P(k), the space of partitions of the natural numbers with at most k blocks. The process can be constructed from a Poisson point process on R+ x ∏i=1kP(k) with intensity dt ⊗ ϱν(k), where ϱν is the distribution of the paintbox based on the probability measure ν on Pm, the set of ranked-mass partitions of 1, and ϱν(k) is the product measure on ∏i=1kP(k). We show that these processes possess a unique stationary measure, and we discuss a particular set of reversible processes for which transition probabilities can be written down explicitly.
Harry Crane. "A consistent Markov partition process generated from the paintbox process." J. Appl. Probab. 48 (3) 778 - 791, September 2011. https://doi.org/10.1239/jap/1316796914