A three-compartmental delay model is formulated to describe the pharmacokinetics of drugs subjected to both intravenous and oral doses with reabsorptions by the central compartment. Model dynamics are analyzed rigorously, and two equilibrium points are obtained to be locally asymptotically stable under certain conditions. Time delays used as lags in reabsorption of drugs by central compartment from other two compartments caused rebounds or peaks and fluctuations in the time profiles for amounts of drug in all the compartments. Sensitivity analysis revealed that elimination rates decrease the amounts in all compartments. Furthermore, reabsorption rates cause superimposition at the initial phases of the drug amount profiles; subsequently, the quantities decrease in compartment one and increase in compartments two and three, respectively.
A. S. Hassan acknowledges with thanks the support of the Research Support Directorate, University of South Africa, for the Research Grant Fellowship number 409000. He is also grateful for the authority of Bayero University Kano, Nigeria, for the one-year research leave.
Adamu Shitu Hassan. Justin M. W. Munganga. "Effects of Drugs Reabsorption Time Delays for a Pharmacokinetics Model in Humans." J. Appl. Math. 2021 1 - 14, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/3439887