This paper shows how to obtain the values of the numerator and denominator Kharitonov polynomials of an interval plant from its value set at a given frequency. Moreover, it is proven that given a value set, all the assigned polynomials of the vertices can be determined if and only if there is a complete edge or a complete arc lying on a quadrant. This algorithm is nonconservative in the sense that if the value-set boundary of an interval plant is exactly known, and particularly its vertices, then the Kharitonov rectangles are exactly those used to obtain these value sets.
R. Hernández. J. A. García. C. Mañoso. "Interval Continuous Plant Identification from Value Sets." J. Appl. Math. 2012 (SI10) 1 - 32, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/840603